Santé Mentale
Can’t really speak for everyone else so, I guess I’ll just speak about myself. We all know this life shit isn’t easy and no one just hands you a manual to get through it all. It’s all you, and that can prove to be overwhelming sometimes. Depending on your religious beliefs, one could argue that the bible or Quran for instance, is in fact that manual however, as we all know if life were really that easy we’d all go to heaven right? One thing about me is that I tend to feel things a lot deeper than the average male might like to admit in a variety of aspects. Meaning, the things we men find “easy” to shrug off or because of today’s social norms surrounded by how a man is supposed to act all the time we are not “allowed” to feel things such like emotional neglect or emotional manipulation and entrapment because, apparently it makes us less of a man. These are the things that take a bigger toll on me and usually take me longer to really get over, especially from a woman or loved one and al...