Saint Valentine, a third century Roman saint widely celebrated on February 14th, and commonly associated with "courtly love". Love. Is there really another word so complex, yet relatable, so misunderstood, yet perceivable. A word so beautiful, yet unforgivable. You ever wonder why love is an ever present topic. How we use it everywhere whether it be on television, or in novels, or in music, to this day there have been millions of references associated with love in all forms. Love makes the world go round, and without it we are lost. You brag about your materialistic attributes, and your long line of wealth yet long for compassion. Our generation is lost in the aesthetic of being with someone under false pretenses. We still think its "cool" to throw a word so sacrosanct out in the world freely with no remorse. We often dream of sharing our lives with someone, but aren't willing to endure the struggles, and pain that come with it. Society is blinded by the dep...