Saint Valentine, a third century Roman saint widely celebrated on February 14th, and commonly associated with "courtly love".
Love. Is there really another word so complex, yet relatable, so misunderstood, yet perceivable. A word so beautiful, yet unforgivable.
You ever wonder why love is an ever present topic. How we use it everywhere whether it be on television, or in novels, or in music, to this day there have been millions of references associated with love in all forms. Love makes the world go round, and without it we are lost. You brag about your materialistic attributes, and your long line of wealth yet long for compassion. Our generation is lost in the aesthetic of being with someone under false pretenses. We still think its "cool" to throw a word so sacrosanct out in the world freely with no remorse. We often dream of sharing our lives with someone, but aren't willing to endure the struggles, and pain that come with it. Society is blinded by the depiction of love being easy and straight forward, when in fact its quite the opposite.
This is a message for those certain individuals who appreciate love in its purest form and everything it represents. This ones for the people who love whole heartedly, taking nothing back, and ready to do it all over again. This is a message for those damaged by love, heartbroken, and looking to never fall in love again. I hope you look beyond my words and see the invisible tears left on this page.
You ever wonder why she stays up all night when you're out, incessantly texting you while she remains eager for your reply? Or why she insists on holding onto you everywhere you go no matter the circumstance? Or why she makes just as much, if not more of an effort just to spend time with you, even if its only for moment?
You ever wonder why her eyes start to tear up every time you say goodbye, or why her smile tends to change whenever its directed towards you, whether you're there or not?
You ever wonder why she laughs a little harder when you're around, or why she cries at her loudest when its your arms comforting her?
You ever wonder why she doesn't hide her scars away from you, or why she keeps the same energy when you win, even after you lose?
You ever wonder why she talks about you like you put the stars in the sky? Or why even after showing her your vulnerability and releasing your heart into her custody she didn't break it?
- Well I'm glad you do; because I sadly don't.
Joyeuse Saint Valentin à tous 💧📺
Love. Is there really another word so complex, yet relatable, so misunderstood, yet perceivable. A word so beautiful, yet unforgivable.
You ever wonder why love is an ever present topic. How we use it everywhere whether it be on television, or in novels, or in music, to this day there have been millions of references associated with love in all forms. Love makes the world go round, and without it we are lost. You brag about your materialistic attributes, and your long line of wealth yet long for compassion. Our generation is lost in the aesthetic of being with someone under false pretenses. We still think its "cool" to throw a word so sacrosanct out in the world freely with no remorse. We often dream of sharing our lives with someone, but aren't willing to endure the struggles, and pain that come with it. Society is blinded by the depiction of love being easy and straight forward, when in fact its quite the opposite.
This is a message for those certain individuals who appreciate love in its purest form and everything it represents. This ones for the people who love whole heartedly, taking nothing back, and ready to do it all over again. This is a message for those damaged by love, heartbroken, and looking to never fall in love again. I hope you look beyond my words and see the invisible tears left on this page.
You ever wonder why she stays up all night when you're out, incessantly texting you while she remains eager for your reply? Or why she insists on holding onto you everywhere you go no matter the circumstance? Or why she makes just as much, if not more of an effort just to spend time with you, even if its only for moment?
You ever wonder why her eyes start to tear up every time you say goodbye, or why her smile tends to change whenever its directed towards you, whether you're there or not?
You ever wonder why she laughs a little harder when you're around, or why she cries at her loudest when its your arms comforting her?
You ever wonder why she doesn't hide her scars away from you, or why she keeps the same energy when you win, even after you lose?
You ever wonder why she talks about you like you put the stars in the sky? Or why even after showing her your vulnerability and releasing your heart into her custody she didn't break it?
- Well I'm glad you do; because I sadly don't.
Joyeuse Saint Valentin à tous 💧📺
Baies de Goji ... oui ... j'ai essayé celles-ci aussi. Je ne veux pas prendre de médicament pour le reste de ma vie, alors pourquoi voudrais-je prendre un supplément naturel tous les jours pour le reste de ma vie (bien que les baies de Goji soient très savoureuses et très nourrissantes). Pour moi, ce n'était pas non plus un remède (et je CHERCHE le remède).
ReplyDeleteJusque-là, je n'avais pas trouvé de remède. Je me sentais comme un jeune désordre confus. J'ai continué à avoir une douleur extrême, mais j'ai continué sur mon chemin vers la guérison. J'ai commencé à me concentrer sur moi-même et pas sur tout le monde. Quand j'étais jeune adulte, j'ai pris trop de responsabilités par obligation. Ce n'était plus sain pour moi, alors j'ai démissionné de tous mes projets et groupes. Ces jours à venir étaient les meilleurs [et les pires] jours. J'ai pris beaucoup de temps en congé, mais j'ai commencé à me sentir extrêmement épuisé. De nombreux professionnels de la santé m'ont «diagnostiqué» une fatigue surrénalienne et le VIH, un cancer de la prostate, donc ma situation était ennuyeuse, puis je continue à chercher un traitement permanent en ligne, c'est là que j'ai découvert les mains du centre de plantes médicinales Dr Itua que Dieu a béni avec des herbes ancestrales et un cadeau pour guérir les personnes atteintes de maladies telles que le cancer, la maladie d'Alzheimer, le VPH, l'infertilité masculine et féminine, le mélanome, le mésothéliome, le diabète, le myélome multiple, la maladie de Parkinson, les tumeurs neuroendocrines, l'herpès, le VIH / sida, le lymphome non hodgkinien, la diarrhée chronique, la MPOC , Sort d'amour, Hépatite ... J'ai donc fait un achat de ses herbes médicinales et je surveille ma santé depuis 6 ans maintenant et j'ai en fait confirmé que ses herbes médicinales sont un remède permanent et je suis tellement heureuse d'être venue connaître ses remèdes à base de plantes.Vous pouvez contacter le centre de plantes médicinales Dr Itua Email: WhatsApp: +2348149277967. si vous avez vécu exactement ce que je traverse en termes de problèmes de santé, car vraiment honnête, il y a plus à apprendre sur les herbes naturelles que sur les médicaments.